“For Israeli society to be an equitable society in which
each and every individual can support themselves independently.”

OUr Code of Ethics
Following Zionist values.
Commitment to operating in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel.
The workers, management, volunteers, and members of the organization commit to serve the organization and its goals with loyalty, dedication, honesty, fairness, and social responsibility.
Acting altruistically.
Granting assistance while maintaining the recipients’ human dignity.
Commitment to integrity, maintaining proper management practices, truthful reporting, transparency, and avoiding conflicts of interest.
To act with maximal responsibility, dedication, and professionalism.
To provide shelter for children and youth in dangerous situations.
To impart tools and skills for leaving the cycle of poverty.
To provide quality education and enrichment to children and youth who need it.
Avoiding any activity involving conflict of interest or suspicion thereof and maintaining conduct in accordance with the provisions of the law and ethical considerations.
Working consistently toward raising social awareness and mobilizing the community to involvement in humanitarian causes.
We are committed to taking care of the quality of the food we distribute, compliance with expiration dates, proper storage conditions, and timely delivery and distribution.
We are committed to using donated funds and goods efficiently and with full responsibility.
The organization is committed to doing no harm to the good name, reputation, or professional achievements of other organizations.